Obamica Yarmica,I'd rather throw my cash in the trash!
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"Israeli's (God bless them!) don't mess around when it comes to Terrorism. They will kill you if you mess with them. I hope the Pali's don't wise up too soon, so Israeli's can kill more of them.
We could learn a few things from the Israeli's..."
Hi-5 Camila Alves Pregnant Man Britney Spears Sherri Shepherd Queen Rania Blake Lively RuneScape Amy Davidson The Dark Knight Hilary Duff WWE Club Pengiun Miley Cyrus news tc-kimlik-numarasi-ile-key-ogrenme dawn yang تنسيق-الكليات-لعام-2008 kiss سكس arab tc-kimlik-no-ile-key-odemesi-sorgulama نيك sophie monk squarespace youtube dance كس authority
Hi-5 Camila Alves Pregnant Man Britney Spears Sherri Shepherd Queen Rania Blake Lively RuneScape Amy Davidson The Dark Knight Hilary Duff WWE Club Pengiun Miley Cyrus news tc-kimlik-numarasi-ile-key-ogrenme dawn yang تنسيق-الكليات-لعام-2008 kiss سكس arab tc-kimlik-no-ile-key-odemesi-sorgulama نيك sophie monk squarespace youtube dance كس authority
Hi-5 Camila Alves Pregnant Man Britney Spears Sherri Shepherd Queen Rania Blake Lively RuneScape Amy Davidson The Dark Knight Hilary Duff WWE Club Pengiun Miley Cyrus news tc-kimlik-numarasi-ile-key-ogrenme dawn yang تنسيق-الكليات-لعام-2008 kiss سكس arab tc-kimlik-no-ile-key-odemesi-sorgulama نيك sophie monk squarespace youtube dance كس authority
There is a running total here. He's up to 58 72 77 86 90 documented, bold faced lies.
What will he lie about next?
If you have any ideas, post a comment here.
If you're right I'll send you an IDF Guns and Moses T-Shirt (new Item) from my online store.
It's up to 90 documented lies. This is turning out to be a lot of work.
Here are the rules:
1. The lies must be specifically explained in your comment, not just the economy, or Iraq, or whatever he say is a lie anyway.
2. The lie must appear on the ObamaWTF blog after your comment is posted. The idea is to predict or guess what BHO is going to lie about prior to him actually telling the lie.
3. I already have the T-Shirt in stock so start writing your comments!
China's Olympic security chief on Monday said homegrown "terror groups", including Uighur militants, Tibetan groups and Falun Gong followers, posed the greatest security risk to the Games starting on Aug. 8.
China's Mobile security team
Fodder and Earl will be even less impressed then I am.
The TEC DC-9 is a low priced autoloading pistol made by Intratec Firearms of Miami, Florida. The DC-9 looks like a miniature submachinegun, although it is not a fully automatic firearm. The magazine is located in front of the trigger, and the gun features a threaded barrel, a perforated heat shroud, and a long 30-round magazine. The DC-9 is blowback operated and chambers the 9mm Luger cartridge ( 9×19mm ).
DC-9 is over a foot in length and weighs in at over four and a half pounds when loaded.
My neighbor wears it slung over his shoulder like a full auto SMG.
Responding to an Israeli reporter’s question Wednesday on his commitment to protect the Jewish state, Barack Obama pointed to a bill “we passed” in the U.S. Senate Banking Committee that tightens sanctions and authorizes divestment from Iran. “My committee,” he called it.
Except that he isn’t a member of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.
“Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee - which is my committee - a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon,” Obama said at a press conference in Sderot, Israel.
In a press release from Obama’s Senate office the day the committee passed the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act, Obama applauded its passage and pointed to provisions included that he had offered in the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act of 2007
While in the Middle East, Barack Hussein Obama met with Mahmoud Abbas of the PLO (also known as Abu Mazen) at the Muqata, the PA president’s compound for one hour, 15 minutes longer than scheduled. They sat down with a PLO flag between them and photographs of Yasir Arafat and of Abbas himself on the wall behind them.
Abbas and Obama embrace
Abbas is a graduate of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, where he earned a Ph.D. His thesis completed in 1982 was called The Secret Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement.[3][4] In 1984, a book based on Abbas's doctoral dissertation was published in Arabic by Dar Ibn Rushd publishers in Amman, Jordan. His doctoral thesis later became a book, The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism. In the book, Abbas denys the Holocaust by describing the Nazi Holocaust as "The Zionist fantasy, the fantastic lie that six million Jews were killed."[5] He also wrote:
"It seems that the interest of the Zionist movement, however, is to inflate this figure [of Holocaust deaths] so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure [six million] in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions—fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand." [6][7][8]
Additionally, Abbas claimed that the much smaller number of Jews which he admitted that the Nazis did massacre were actually the victims of a Zionist-Nazi plot:
"The Zionist movement led a broad campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule to arouse the government's hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them and to expand the mass extermination."[9]
Abbas also questioning the use of gas chambers and made public claims of less than one million Nazi Holocaust victims, along with statements supporting Arab terrorism.
Abbas and Arafat embrace
Unlike Barack Hussein Obama, Sen. John McCain visited Israel last March but did not meet with the PA.
Rabbi Yaki Asael, 56, father of eight, from Susia, shot and killed a terrorst today in Jersalem. Asael owns and operates a vineyard and teaches Bible studies in the Kiryat Arba Yeshiva High School.
Eleven people are being treated for physical injuries and shock after an Arab terrorist drove a dozer into traffic and smashed a bus and at least two cars and tried to overrun pedestrians before he was killed by Rabbi Asael. One of Rabbi Asael's former students killed the terrorist just 3 weeks ago.
In the video, Rabbi Yaki Asael is told "Nice work" (Kol HaKavod, in Hebrew) by a security officer on the scene.
A border patrol policeman verifies Yaki's work by shooting the terrorist in the head at point blank range.
That's right, there's going to be a International Jewish Blogger Convention hosted by Nefesh B'Nefesh here in Jerusalem, Israel and I'm going to be there.
I'll be the guy with the Vietnam war era M16A1 and the Glock 17, just in case you want to introduce yourself.
How you can participate:
If you're a Jewish blogger and are going to be in the Jerusalem area on August 20th click here to sign up.
Obama’s fundamental lack of understanding about the true nature of the enemy we face in radical Islam is deeply disturbing. Maybe we could excuse his remarks from the days after 9/11 — before we really knew much about the terrorists — but Obama still seems to be laboring under the same misperceptions he expressed back then. How else can we explain Obama’s support for the Senate bill that would give away One Trillion U.S. tax dollars to the United Nations to combat “global poverty”? Obama still seems to believe that we can stop terrorism by being kinder and more compassionate to terrorists. That’s a foolish and extremely dangerous belief for any U.S. lawmaker — let alone one who might be our next Commander-in-Chief.
In his first race for office, seeking a state senate seat on Chicago’s gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition. The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.
Osama Obama is simply a Pet Rock. Clever packaging on the outside, a pointless, useless stone on the inside.
Vote Obama ‘08! So the next time we’re attacked, we can sit around in a kumbaya circle and talk about feelings.
Come on now - are we really surprised about his comments to be sympathetic or empathetic to the 9/11 hijackers?
Since Obama’s a deeply closeted Muslim…why is this such a shocka?
Nothing can make an effete anti-American patriotic, and certainly not wearing a lapel pin. If he was honest, Obama would wear a turban and be done with it.
Obama should wear a pin that says “You’re all suckers. Now give me more of your cash.”
I think that even Barack Obama seems to be getting tired of Barack Obama…
The more I hear from B.O., the more I doubt we could pool enough money to buy the guy a sufficient clue.
Note to Osama-bama: when you’re built like an effeminate twig, it’s probably best to let your wife do the ass kickin. With her jaw and man hands, she’s more suited for the job.
I still have No Idea how he got this far.
Obama should the wear the flag pin of the United States. If he has a problem with that, then he should run for President/Dictator of a country where he likes the pin.
Obama’s only real talent seems to be getting himself elected to positions for which he has no qualifications. It started in law school, when he was elected editor of the Law Review (as a compromise candidate, after 19 rounds of balloting), and then went on to be the only editor who never published an article of his own (writing an article probably seemed too much like real work, eh Obama?).
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Hussein Obama landed in Kuwait on his Middle East junket.
Traveling with him is Dennis Ross, who was one of the major architects of the ill conceived Oslo agreements that have failed miserably. An expert on Middle East affairs and foreign policy. Not!
Jesse Jackson is no friend of Barack Hussein Obama
"See, Barack [Hussein Obama has] been talking down to black people . . . I wanna cut his nuts out," Jackson said.
His whispered comments - accompanied by his hand-miming a cutting motion - were picked up by a live mike before an interview on health care in Fox News Channel's Chicago studio Sunday.
Cover of the July 21, 2008 issue The New Yorker magazine by artist Barry Blitt, shows Democratic presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama in Muslim garb and his wife as a terrorist.
"There's no doubt the photo was doctored," said Mark Fitzpatrick, director of the Non-Proliferation Program for the London-based International Institute For Strategic Studies.
Iran claimed last week to have tested a new version of the Shahab missile with a 1,250-mile range that would put in range much of the Middle East, including Israel and Turkey and the Arabian peninsula, and Pakistan.However, a respected independent national security website, ArmsControlWonk.com, concluded that the missiles were identical to an earlier version of the Shahab, first unveiled by Iran in 1998 with a known range of 746 miles.
In a posting called “Same old Boring Shahab 3”, it analyzed Iranian video footage, comparing the diameter of the missile to its length and found it to be identical to the decade-old version.
Other defense analysts believe that the missile was a Shahab 3a model with a 900-mile range.
Iran also issued misleading statements about the ranges and doctored videos to make the firings seem more numerous and fearsome than reality, The New York Times reported.
Coverage showing what appeared to be many missiles being fired was apparently just one device, filmed from different angles. “Deception was rampant,” said Charles Vick, an expert on the Iranian missile program at Global Security, a prominent defense think tank.
This video shows the path the bulldozer took, including footage showing the terrorist being killed from different angles.The Bulldozer of Death
Warning: Semi-graphic picture ahead....
And who is this smiling gentleman?
It's the terrorist who drove the bulldozer. His family is complaining that he shouldn't have been shot.
The lawyer representing the family of bulldozer driver Hossam Dawyyat of east Jerusalem, who murdered three people and injured dozens during a killing spreein Jerusalem on Wednesday, said Thursday that had the police cuffed the terrorist's hands and legs and removed him from the vehicle, the incident would have ended at once and "life would have been spared."
Moshe Plesser, the unarmed yeshiva student who shot and killed the rampaging bulldozer terrorist, explained how he and security guard Oron Ben-Shimon stopped the murderous rampage.
Moshe did not wish to speak with the media, but hours afterwards read a written statement. He began by calling the attack a "murderous attack on our holy and beloved land, part of the war in which we find ourselves." He then thanked all those who, he said, had a hand in helping him act correctly: "First of all, thanks to G-d, and secondly to the education and upbringing I received, beginning in the Morashah Talmud Torah in Jerusalem, and then the Dimona Yeshiva High School, and then the Yitzhar and Kiryat Arba Hesder yeshivot, and finally to my army training, for helping me act in the way every soldier and citizen should. I also wish to thank my brother-in-law David Shapira for serving as a personal example [Shapira was one of the two who killed the terrorist in Merkaz HaRav earlier this year - ed.] "
"As far as what happened," Plesser continued: "I was bicycling from the center of town [westward] towards my home, when I saw a bulldozer battering a bus lying on its side and a lot of commotion. I immediately realized that it was a terrorist attack. I threw the bicycle to the side, and I ran towards the scene, trying to get as close as I could to the bulldozer so that I could get on it and stop the driver. As I got closer I tried to somehow get a weapon. When the bulldozer stopped, a policeman climbed up, and I climbed up right behind him, screaming at him to shoot."
"Oron Ben-Shimon, (a Security Guard) with whom I was privileged to cooperate in stopping the terrorist, also climbed up, and he and the policeman tried to stop him with their hands. At first I could not shoot him, because the policeman stood in between us and the terrorist. The terrorist suddenly got up and started to drive again, screaming out Allahu Akbar, and Oron was able to turn the steering wheel so that the bulldozer wouldn't run over more cars. Finally, I was able to grab Oron's gun and shoot over the heads of the policeman and Oron, three bullets to his head. Then a Yassam (Riot) policeman got on and fired again to ascertain his death."
Another eyewitness said that he saw the bulldozer ram the bus several times, and then continue on in his attempt to run down passersby and cars. "Some cars were able to get away, but at least one was not, and he rammed his shovel right into the windshield," the man said.
Moshe can be seen in a blue shirt, outside the bulldozer cabin, in many of the videos of the attack being circulated.
Oron Ben-Shimon, a security guard at the nearby Kupat Cholim Leumit office, also took part in the save. He said that when he saw the shovel of the bulldozer mowing things down, "I ran towards it. When I got there, the bulldozer was stopped, I got up on it - Moshe helped me - and we tried to stop the driver, who looked like he was fainted on the steering wheel. But then he suddenly got up and started the bulldozer going again. I couldn't get to my gun, and also the policeman was in between me and the terrorist - so I punched him [the terrorist] and that stunned him... Then Moshe - who really deserves all credit; of all the people there, he was the one who responded the most correctly - quickly realized what was happening, and took the gun from my holster and shot the terrorist three times in the head. Then a Yassam policeman got on board, shot another bullet, and that was it."
The journalists listening to the accounts of Plesser and Ben-Shimon praised them highly, as well as the policeman and the Yassam officer. The fact that the policeman did not shoot and kill the terrorist, and the questions raised as a result, were not mentioned outright.
At least four people were murdered in the unprecedented terror attack.
The IDF received the M16A1 rifles during the late 1960s and early 1970s at very low prices. M16 rifles became the major armament of the IDF, replacing the Uzi and all of the other rifles that Israel had used up until that time.
Uzi submachine gun with detachable wood buttstock
M16A1 in it's original configuration. Note the original Colt M16A1 Logo
As tactics and strategy developed changes were needed. Rather then buy new weapons, they began a series of upgrades and add ons.
Match barrels were introduced. Flat top uppers were added. Collapsible stocks replaced the originals.
Most of the IDF's M4 rifles are actually M16A1 receivers that have been completely gutted and rebuilt to today's standards.
Here are a few examples:
Note the purple hue to the flattop upper.
Lots of M203's
Female Israeli combat soldiers of the Caracal light infantry Battalion
Of course there are many more accessories and options available...